Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thrifty Thursday!

Ok, so Thursdays have officially been deemed... "Thrifty-Thursdays".
Most people know me as Campbellstein (not a name I'm particularly fond of, but have learned to embrace it).

I am a coupon cutter, I am a bargain shopper, and where I can save a few bucks... I will!
I wouldn't call this passion 'being cheap'... I see it as an accomplishment, a challenge to beat the man haha and why spend money when you don't need to. It's easier than you think and I am excited to share some of my own tactics and the tactics of others with you every Thursday!

So... today I want to simply share with you some of the thrifty acts I have witnessed over the past 2 weeks:

#1.) Ginny Morris went to Bj's last Saturday night for Corre's bday extravaganza. She ordered a cup of hot water (price$=free). She then reached into her purse and pulled out 2 tea bags (price$= .10). She enjoyed her favorite cup of tea for $.10... compared to the $2.00 that Bj's would have charged her. This is not cheap... this is genius!!

#2.) - Candice, Debi, Ez, and many others have stumbled across This is a site where you can purchase gift cards at a fraction of the price... so basically you are buying $20 with $2... how is that possible right? Well, the fine print reads that you have to have a minimum purchase of $X. Who cares? You are most likely going to spend 20 bucks at Macaroni Grill anyway, why not buy the $20 gift card for $2 and then spend say... $25 at dinner and when all is said and done... you only paid $5 for a $25 meal. once again... brilliant!

#3.) Starbucks - I'm knew to this tidbit of information... Starbucks gives refills?! You can get a refill on your iced coffees or iced teas for .50 the day you purchased the drink. If the now-warped cup has been sitting in your car for days don't try to get the refill, but if you purchase a drink in the morning and at lunch happen to cruise by a sbux... stop by for a top-off. Yesterday I did this 3 times :) I enjoyed 3 venti Iced coffees for a total of $3.25. No I don't need 3 venti iced coffees, but when they're .50 it is unavoidable.

ok, that's all the info for now. Keep your eyes open for easy ways to save a buck and let me know if any are 'Thrifty-Thursday' worthy!

Stay tuned...


  1. didnt know about the starbizzle tidbit! heck yes! already becoming one of my favorite blogs!

  2. this is gonna be a very helpful blog. thanks for stepping up to the plate and embracing your jewish side jojo!
    Nicole Solis is also a bargan finder...perhaps a shared blog?

  3. You should add "Ad Sense" to your blog and maybe you can make some extra cash for your refills: )

  4. look at this, only on your second blog and already your hit'n it out of the park.

    You got a bright future ahead of you!!

    on the blog-o-sphere anyway.
