Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What it do?

so, last weekend was AWESOMELY fun!!

Congrats to Matt & Mareena Webb, the wedding was amazing and I had a blast!
You can't go wrong when tacos, dancing, and funny drunk people come together.

The after party at the She-Shack was a splash too, but I'll leave it at that ;)

This week is going great so far, I just found the perfect card to give to Mr. Kretzu tonight at his going away party :( such a bummer that we won't be seeing him around anymore, but it's all for the best of course! I'm excited that he's getting out of the Corona Circle! I'm not acknowledging the fact that Ez is leaving as well. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

alright, well I hope you all have a good Tuesday! I'm sure I'll be seeing most of you tonight.

Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. what?? I'm not leaving you either, yes I too am in denial that you are not actually going to come with us... but you are right?? I know you're just waiting to the end to spring the good news on me! Your room is ready :))
