Thursday, June 4, 2009

New addition to Halmark

There needs to be a "Dysfunctional Family" greeting card section within Halmark.

Where are all the cards that fit the... "Uh, we're not really that close, and you were never really there for me, but you're my father so... I love you" or "Happy Birthday to the best step mom! Thanks for everything you've done for me! well, everything except breaking up my family"...

There are very few people in my life that I can actually find a card for where the words printed on the card truly express my feelings towards them. (Side note: the few cards that work for me are often found in the Mahogany or the musical card sections)

I think blank cards are the best way to go; get one with an awesome picture on the front, appropriate for the occasion, and write your own words of encouragement, love, grattitude, etc.

Just a thought... I may even email Halmark.


  1. Well said! And I agree, especially in the family cards. I always have a hard time because a lot of them are only 1/2 true in my family's case. So I almost feel like I'm faking feelings with most cards.

  2. Mahogany cards are THE BEST!!!

  3. I am a fan of the blank card too -- they are also cheaper! $2 bucks for 10 cards :)
