Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The dangerous minds of women:

Why is it that girls immediately size up every guy they meet to see if he's date worthy?

I honestly don't think its our intention, we just do it subconsciously.

"Hi, Im Susie"
"Hey, I'm Barney"

(Susie begins thinking...) "hmmm, he's a good looking guy, kinda weak hand shake though... that could mean he's a shy guy... confidence is really important, I don't know if I could date someone that is shy around my friends. Maybe once he meets my friends he'll be fine. and Barney?? Can I get over dating a guy named after a purple dinosaur? I wonder what his last name is... maybe Johnson, Barney Johnson... Susie Johnson... that works. I can't get over his put-togetherness, he is almost "overly-groomed"; I bet he takes longer than me to get ready, I can't be waiting around for him if I am ready to go eat and he is still gelling his hair. hmmm... but then again, it's nice to know that he cleans up well. And who were those 2 girls he walked over with? possibly ex-girlfriends? I don't do ex-girlfriend drama! wait... is that a ring on his finger? FRICK!"

This example IS an exaggeration, but not far from the truth


  1. I knew it! Guys do it too, little different but same concept :P

  2. Lol. I LOVE it! It really isn't far from the truth at all!

    I would love to hear how a guy sizes up a girl.

    Any guy willing to let out the secret?

  3. that is HILARIOUS! because its true!

    Nicely done JO!

  4. hahah yessss! its definitely the truth.

  5. haha very funny.

    guys do the same thing. but the sizing up is different because guys are different than girls (generally speaking, of course). i mean, its always said girls need emotional stimulation and guys need physical stimulation. i think it applies here, too.

    girls (generally) are looking for the emotional, long-term, and character type traits.

    guys (generally) are looking for someone smokin' hot. oh, and maybe as a bonus she wont be a total ditz.

    i'm just saying, if a dude meets a chick named Dorcas or Gomer or something hideous like that, but she is has the looks of heidi klum mixed with kate beckinsale - he's in. no questions asked.

    again; generally speaking of course ;)

  6. I love the line, "I wonder what his last name is" because I worry about that all the time. My friends tried to hook me up with a totally cool guy once, but his last name was "Day" and there was no way I could ever be "Summer Day".Guess I am just too shallow because he ended up meeting and MARRYING another Summer who apparently doesn't mind being Summer Day. : )

  7. Candice did that with me when she saw me after 12 years have gone by. Her thoughts...

    "Oh frickkkkkkk, I need to have this hot geoff guy."

  8. HA! um no! i believe my thoughts were, "oh, looks like he got those braces removed."

    besides, geoff's thoughts when he first saw me were, "oh frrrrick...thats the chick who broke my 12 yr old heart. must. have. her."
