Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I knew it!

I knew this was going to happen. I knew that if I got a blog I would feel like a failure if I didn't update every week, but I'm not going to feel guilty or ashamed... there are no blog standards right? to each his own? that's what I thought.

OK, I feel much better. After all, I stated when I first started Jo-Jo on the radio that the point of my blogs was to just keep people updated with the craziness that is my life. The most ridiculous crap happens to me all the time, for example... most of you got my twitter, but to explain my shirt ripping... I was hanging out at Vineyard Youth tonight, after an amazing night of discussion and revelation I got a little too excited and worked up which led to me flailing my arms about and then to a sudden stop when I realized my shirt had completely ripped in half right underneath my arm. Thanks to the inspiration of @Brendita the tear became quite the fashion statement... or to @Kretzu it became a rating system of intensity. It was pretty hilarious and a situation that you really had to be there or at Starbucks to see the aftermath walk in.

Good times!

Also... before I forget... here is my list of people that were particularly funny today: (inside joke)
  • Brenda
  • Corre
  • the Kretzus (urine climbing catfish!!)

Don't feel bad if you didn't make the list, better luck next time!


  1. Yes the return of inside jokes!

    Urine Climbing catfish!! If he didn't see it coming, he deserved it!

  2. better luck next time? that might be more reassuring if you blogged more than once a quarter.
